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FIELD TRIP - The Oxbow

Field Trip Saturday, March 20 - The Oxbow: This area of migratory shorebird and waterfowl habitat is preserved and protected by The Oxbow, Inc. The trip will meet at the TJ Maxx parking lot at 8:00 am for the one hour drive to the preserve. If traveling directly to the site, search for “Oxbow Nature Conservancy” on Google maps, or contact Eric Hollins, AMV field trip coordinator, at  Pack a picnic lunch or snacks if desired and bring binoculars if possible. In the spring and fall thousands of ducks, geese, and shorebirds funnel into this rich stopover area to refuel and rebuild their energies. Since 1985, Oxbow, Inc. has led the effort to acquire over 1,600 acres of wetland through ownership or conservation easements to protect this resource.

As long as we practice social distancing (no ride sharing, no sharing binoculars) we should be OK.