Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative
Each fall, AMV helps to organizes a milkweed seed collection effort.
Butler County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) office has joined the annual Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative to help create beneficial habitats for pollinators by collecting milkweed seed. For full detailed instructions about seed collection go to here.
It’s very important that the seeds are brown when collected and put in a paper bag that is folded over and stapled shut . We don’t want loose seeds floating around in buildings!
View our events page for information on collection dates and locations.
The Ash Tree Project
The Ash Tree Project (ATP) is a conservation project sponsored by AMV that aims to treat select high-value ash trees from the invasive Emerald Ash Borer.
The priority treatment area is a 200+ acre tract of forest located within Hueston Woods State Park. This tract, known as “Big Woods”, is an area of old-growth beech-maple forest designated in 1967 as a National Natural Landmark.
Read more about our Ash Tree Project here
Rosie Bloom Scholarship Award
The Rosie Bloom scholarship is awarded annually to a local educator interested in furthering conservation and environmental education. Rosie Bloom was a charter member of Audubon Miami Valley. She exemplified the qualities of the Audubon ideal-love for nature and the willingness to work to preserve it. The award is used for camp session fees at Hog Island Audubon Camp off the coast of Maine. Transportation, longer stays, and additional fees are the responsibility of the participant. Hog Island Audubon Camp is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year. Since 1936 its residential sessions have been taught by some of the most respected naturalists and environmental educators in the nation, inspiring countless teachers and conservationists. Go to hogisland.audubon.com to find more information about the camp and sessions offered. The Rosie Bloom Scholarship is supported by Audubon Miami Valley through donations and fund-raising activities such as the annual birdseed sale. Contributions are tax deductible and should be made payable to Audubon Miami Valley, PO Box 556, Oxford, Ohio 45056.
Eastern Bluebird Nesting Project
Eastern Bluebird project
AMV’s Eastern Bluebird Nesting Project, located at the Hueston Woods Golf Course, began in the spring of 2017 with the installation of 38 bluebird nesting boxes. Each year, volunteers monitor and record the activity in these boxes. Below are the results for individual years as well as the overall project totals to date.
Total Fledglings (as of 2024)
TOTALS (as of 2024)
554 Eastern Bluebirds
774 Tree Swallows
429 House Wrens
13 Carolina Wrens
In 2024, monitors recorded the fledging of:
25 Eastern Bluebirds
74 Tree Swallows
16 House Wrens
4 Carolina Wrens
In 2023, monitors recorded the fledging of:
71 Eastern Bluebirds
70 Tree Swallows
29 House Wrens
In 2022, monitors recorded the fledging of:
80 Eastern Bluebirds
113 Tree Swallows
17 House Wrens
In 2021, monitors recorded the fledging of:
52 Eastern Bluebirds
141 Tree Swallows
39 House Wrens
In 2020, monitors recorded the fledging of:
125 Eastern Bluebirds
200 Tree Swallows
78 House Wrens
6 Carolina Wrens
In 2019, monitors recorded the fledging of:
• 61 Eastern Bluebirds
• 88 Tree Swallows
• 49 House Wrens
• 3 Carolina Wrens
In 2018, monitors recorded the fledging of:
49 Eastern Bluebirds
121 Tree Swallows
76 House Wrens
In 2017, monitors recorded the fledging of:
91 Eastern Bluebirds
41 Tree Swallows
125 House Wrens
As you can see, the number of fledglings by species varies considerably from year to year. The explanation for this variance is difficult at this stage. Once we have 8-10 years of nesting totals, we may be able to better explain the variance from year to year. In the meantime, our boxes are increasing the populations of three native bird species, including the beautiful Eastern Bluebird.
Audubon Christmas Bird Count
For over 100 years, Audubon has been conducting a Christmas Bird Count. Each year, AMV members gather at Miami University Research Ecology Center located for this important annual citizen science event. It doesn't matter if you are just learning to bird watch or if you are an accomplished birder, come out for a brisk walk to look for winter birds. After the count, AMV hosts a potluck luncheon and bird tally at the Research Center.
See our events page for details.
Results for past bird counts can be found here
Amv Bird ART Exhibition and Festival
Each spring, AMV hosts a student art exhibition involving students attending local school districts (K -12). The exhibition emphasized learning about birds of the Midwest or birds of the Mississippi Flyway as well as how climate change is affecting bird populations and behaviors.
View our events page for information.
Miami University Hefner Lecture
Each year, AMV sponsors the Miami University’s Hefner Museum of Natural History Lecture series.
See our events page for details.
AMV Bird Seed Sale
AMV holds an annual bird seed sale each fall in October. Attract the birds you love to your yard year-round and support our organization at the same time!
Our sale will have a variety of seed available including: Nyjer thistle, suet cakes, woodpecker blend, cardinal mix, fruit & berry mix and more!
Starting in September, seed order forms will be available on our website. Printable seed order forms will also be made available for those who prefer to mail in their payments. See our events page for more information.
Miami University Community Hike-A-Thon
Each Fall, AMV participates in the Miami University Community Hike-A-Thon. This is a wonderful family event for all ages with different levels of hikes, activities, and displays from environmental groups. AMV provides binoculars for your use along with an experienced birder in the bird blind to help identify birds. There will be birding hikes beginning early in the morning through mid-morning. See our events page for details.
Miami University Natural Areas Bird Blind
Miami University in Oxford, Ohio is home to a bird viewing station known as the “bird blind.” See the article below for the history of this amazing project written by AMV’s own Hardy Eshbaugh.
Each year, Audubon Miami Valley awards a scholarship to a local educator to attend Audubon’s Hog Island Nature Camp in Maine. Hog Island has a rich history in American Ornithology with its first bird instructor, Roger Torey Peterson, to the birthplace of Audubon’s Project Puffin. Hog Island is operated by the National Audubon Society under the Seabird Institute. The experience provides the educator with valuable information and training that is then incorporated into the educator’s classroom.
Continuing efforts are being made by Audubon Miami Valley (AMV) to increase native plants in the Oxford area. Two areas that AMV has established are at the Oxford Community Arts Center and the Oxford Community Park. Both areas are being maintained yearly by AMV volunteers.
The Big Woods area of Hueston Woods has been designated a State Natural Area by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. In addition, the area also has been designated an Important Bird Area. (IBA)
Because of these designations, AMV has adopted this area since 2010. With a starting grant from Toyota Green, invasive plants, especially bush honeysuckle, multiflora rose, and garlic mustard have been removed from over 50 acres. AMV continues this effort with invasive plants removal days in October and April. Volunteers are always needed.