Title: Blurring the Lines between Medicine and Ecology while Saving Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys
Presenter: Dr. James W. Porter
James W. Porter, Ph.D., "superstar scientist." will present the 49th annual Hefner Lecture “Blurring the Lines between Medicine and Ecology while Saving Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys." The event will be followed by a reception at the Hefner Museum of Natural History in 100 Upham Hall.
Dr. Porter's expertise and influence is diverse. He is an expert in coral, climate change, and the connections between these issues and human health and social justice. He was the scientific advisor of the award-winning film "Chasing Coral" (presently on Netflix) and their educational and outreach materials. His testimony before Congress on the connections between coral and productive human society "greatly influenced the U.S.’s decision to sign this U.N. Ocean Biodiversity Treaty."
Event Details
Dr. Porter will present the 49th annual Hefner lecture, entitled “Blurring the Lines between Medicine and Ecology while Saving Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys” on November 9th, in Laws Hall 100, at 7:30 PM, with a reception at the museum afterwards. Prior to the lecture, Dr. Porter will reenact his Congressional Testimony with students acting as congresspeople, asking him questions and challenging his conclusions, on November 9th, in Shideler Hall 152, at 4:15 PM.
The lecture and following reception are free and open to the public of all ages.