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PROGRAM - Freeze-tolerant Frogs

This event will be presented digitally via Zoom.

Presenter – Clara do Amaral

Dr. Clara do Amaral will share with us one of her favorite research topics “cryoprotectant strategies” used by freeze-tolerant frogs. A cryoprotectant is a substance used to protect biological tissue from freezing damage (antifreeze compounds and antifreeze proteins) in their bodies and to minimize that damage during cold winter periods. Dr. Amaral began studying amphibian and reptile biology as at the University of Lisbon, Portugal where she did her undergraduate degree. She then completed a M.S. in Biology at Western Kentucky University and got a Ph.D. (2014) in Zoology from Miami University. In 2017 she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Dayton and joined the biology faculty at Mount St. Joseph’s College.


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