Ever since we met Carly Zeis, we were struck by her passion and creative ideas, and we were thrilled that she wanted to be a part of the Audubon Miami Valley chapter by serving on our Board. She infused youthful energy by bringing many student friends to our programs, field trips, and as volunteers to our community events.
In addition to going to school and working, Carly revived the dormant Miami University bird club, now named Birders of Miami University, and served as their president for several academic terms. Birders of Miami University is an official Campus Chapter of the National Audubon Society's 'Audubon on Campus' program.
In 2019, Carly was chosen as a panel speaker at the National Audubon Society Convention held in Milwaukee, WI, and was given an award for her work with the birding club and the Campus Chapter program.
Carly continued to wow us with her energy and forward-thinking, helping us considerably with technology and social media. She also shared those skills with the Council of Ohio Audubon Chapters. Her advocacy work included going to Washington, D.C. as part of the Ohio delegation of the Healing Waters Coalition for Great Lakes Day 2020, meeting with congressional staff members for Ohio Representatives. Her new adventures relocate her to Portland, Oregon where she will attend Portland State University pursuing a course of Environmental Studies, GIS Minor.
We will miss her terribly, but, of course, wish her well in her new ventures. I'm sure we haven't heard the last of Carly as she pursues her passion for environmental activism.
Good luck, Carly!
Carly in Washington D.C.